Keybreeze, an awesomer app-thingy for launching programs on your computer, is a direct competitor to the popular, powerful, and free Launchy. With Launchy not only able to launch programs, but to also search the web, open nearly any common file, check the weather, and perform advanced mathematical calculations, what could Keybreeze possibly offer to top that? Well, let's see. First off, there is a non-install USB stick version available. Next, it can do pretty much all that Launchy is capable of, plus recording macros to automate common tasks, check diagnostic readings on your computer (CPU & ram usage for example), change the appearance and settings of windows, have multiple text items on a clipboard "ready to go" when you need them, and create multi-colored sticky notes with reminder functions built-in! And all with extremely low CPU usage. And for free. And that is awesome. Awesomer than Launchy? I wouldn't dare say that, but I would dare say that it is truly ONE AWESOME THINGY! (Jeez, ya'd think I own the company or something...)
If you're the kind of person who understands things better by doing them, you may just want to get Keybreeze and see for yourself how powerful it is and how much time and effort it could save you. Get Keybreeze here (and Launchy here if you're curious.) You may also find useful:
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