
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Boomerang Talk Show Segment

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So today I was chatting with a friend via e-mail who mentioned that he was laughing pretty hard at the David Blaine post from a few weeks ago. And then I was all like "well if you think that is funny did you check out this post?" And then I was thinking that this site's tag line is "A Blog About Neat-o Sites, Software, Silliness, and Other Awesome Thingy's" and how I think I need to have a little more of the Silliness. So today I give you a video clip from the French talk show "Boomerang". This episode features a guest and her husband who lost his family jewels. They are here to talk about it; the host is here to... well, you'll see. So here it is: another Awesomer Thingy!
via YouTube »

Your Voice:
Does this look like it's an authentic talk show or does it seem like it's all just a set up to do a fake segment? Let us all know by clicking "comments" below.